The 3D Solar System

For best feeling about deep space
The SUN is Original Size.
The Size of the Planets are Multiplied by 100.
The Orbits positions are Divided by 10
Rotating period and Revolution is Accelerated

Use the Four last buttons of the tool bar to Rotate or Cruise
Maintain <Control> to Inverse Rotation or Cruise Faster.
Click on the planet to name it (sound available in French)

Need Help !
The planets are aligned at the run, how to calculate their positions at a given date ?
If someone has Mercator Pictures of Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto, (or other...) feel free send it to me :-)

General informations
Programmed in Visual C++ 5.0
DirectX 3 (Microsoft)
C3D C++ Classes (Nigel Thompson)

Downloads !
Zipped executable file (398 K)

Related resources
You may need the two DLL below, in SYSTEM's Windows directory
or in the same directory of the main programm to avoid version troubleshootings.

MFC42.DLL (zipped 441 K)

MSVCRT.DLL (zipped 136 K)

You also need DirectX 3 Package

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